Thursday, February 19, 2015

League of Legends

I have decided to write my blog about a very popular game called League of Legends or “LoL”. This game is popular because it is completely free. There is no catch when it comes to this game. You do not have to spend money to progress or unlock certain game modes. You can however pay money to unlock champions and champion skins. League of Legends is almost always the most popular game on which is a site that allows users to stream themselves playing video games. Now that I think about it, this could be a cool topic for class because companies in the tech industry will sometimes have streams that’s they sponsor on twitch. A few days ago Riot, the people who make League of Legends, had a live stream with commentators for a tournament they were hosting. I was able to watch some of the event and they even had live music which was very cool. This game in particular has brought a lot of money popularity to gaming. The biggest ever prize pool for the game would surprise most people. The League of Legends 2014 World Championship help in Seoul, South Korea had a prize pool of $2,130,000.00. So at this point I am sure I have surprised you with the popularity of this game, now I will tell you about the in-game content. The most popular and competitive game mode for League of Legends is five people versus people on the Summoner’s Rift map. You are the summoner and you play a champion and control him or her on the field of battle. There are three lanes which minions, who spawn at your base, travel upon toward the enemy base. Both bases are defended by towers and by players. Players can kill neutral monsters, minions, and other players to get coins which they use to buy items that boost their ability in battle. Typically one player who specializes in attack damage plays in the top lane. In the middle lane one person who typically goes ability power plays. In the bottom lane two players are situated so that one can “support” the other player. Finally, there is a player who roams the jungle killing neutral monsters and tying to assassinate enemy plays by sneaking up on them. The game can end in two ways. First, the enemy team can surrender after 20 minutes or your team kills the enemy nexus. The nexus is equivalent to a headquarters. I do not have too much information on the lore of the game so I am not sure exactly where the name comes from. After the game has concluded, you gain experience which levels you up and you gain influence points which can be spent unlocking new champions or runes. Runes make you character stronger and would take a long time to explain in full detail. There are other game modes in the game but “5v5” on Summoner’s Rift is where all competition takes place. The makers of the game, riot, relentlessly attempt to balance the game and make sure one champion is not strong than the other or that there are no glitches in champions abilities. This has been just a small glimpse of League of Legends. There is a lot to this game and it can take a long time to understand and get good at. However, this is what makes the game fun and allows the user to play it without getting bored of the same experience.

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying your blog so far. I particularly liked your post about the Microsoft HoloLens. I actually showed the video in my Integrated Marketing Communications class and hope to stay on top of what Microsoft does with this product. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!
